The Well is deep
The Well is Deep, curated by visual artist and archivist Monique Luchetti and galleries Tanja Grunert, features a selection of sculptures from 1995 - 2018.
The Towers, 2003, stoneware and porcelain, 70 x 23 x 25 inches
Ship of Fools, 1995, stoneware, 52 x 66 x 36 inches
Untitled, 2018, Soda fired stoneware, 13 x 13 x 13 inches
Holy Cup Tree, 2016, Porcelain, steel and epoxy, 72 x 40 x 36 inches
Untitled, 2008, Stoneware, 23.5 x 3.6 x 6 inches
The Lift/Mountain Lifters, 2003, Soda fired stoneware, 17 x 15 x 16 inches